

Beautiful fool

I walk into the fire with my eyes open, the pain searing my skin.

The intrinsic value of my emotions for you, unregistered.

You see me in one dimension, there is more hidden.

I show you flashes of me, fragmented images never a full picture.

Hidden behind the guise of indifference, is a fragile heart.

You sought to learn me, break down the barrier.

You wanted the key to unlocking me, but the key was not yours for the asking.

I can be what you wish to see, I can say the words you want to hear.

I can be a lot of things, but I cannot be real with you.

You don’t value what is given, you only seek to break then destroy.

I say many things all words nothing solid, you are so superficial you never see past what is put in front of you.

You float from person to person also remaking yourself, but the core of you always expressing itself.

You believe I took you seriously when you don’t even take yourself seriously.

I know that given a war of words you would win, that is all your empty soul has…words.

You never had me, it was always a game with you, and you showed me that at first contact.

I am not angry or dejected, I am just sad for all that you could have been but never where.

I do value the gift that you gave me in opening myself, expressing the different sides of myself.

You let me see what can happen to a soul so dark and corrupted that it destroys itself from within.

You taught me valuable lessons that had you not infested my life I would have missed.

I want to thank you for painting that picture for me, I tried to close my eyes, but you would not let that happen.

You forced me to see what you were from the beginning, and that is the most selfless thing you have ever done.

© Elysianlivy