

Book Cover.
It’s so easy
for other’s
to mock you
and not ask
you “what’s wrong?”

The unkindness
and hostility
that’s expressed
on a
when you
want and all
you need is a Smile
and just a Simple Hello.

Or even
just a…
“How You
Are Doing Today?”
along with a…
“ Can I Help You In Anyway?”

Instead you just
receive their Mockery
and their Childlike Games.
That they
find such fun
in throwing out
to you,
day after day.

Their true colours
coming through
in different shades,
from what
you’ve been
use too.
So very loud
and clear.
While the
sheep that
follow them
applaud and cheer.

The only tone
they understand
Is loud
and nasty,
as that’s the
only thing
they understand.

Haunting you
moment by moment.
Making sure
that you are
receiving their
mental and emotional

Loving the pain
that they
send on
to you.
Every second
of each
new day.
they should
know better
an adult
too much
child’s play.

Never caring
what you
actually do.
Just as long
as their
latest victim,
feels their wrath
as much possible,
to keep their
uncaring and
unemotional heart
happy in a
disjointed fashion.
For their
own amazement
as has all
they need.

Because they
choose not
to ask
nor care
either way.
When you
have your
that you
deal with
each day.

So selfish
and heartless.
They keep on
with hostility,
striking out
at you,
any corner
that you turn.

Viewing themselves
as Godlike.
a fucking care
in the world.
Followed by
their disciples,
like sheep
to their
brainwash slaughter,
their shepherd.
help them,
if they
say something kind.

We each
have a face,
a voice,
feelings, thoughts
complete with emotions,
maybe not perfect,
but made up
of heart, mind,
body and soul.

As we are
all book covers,
yet to be
fully understood.
Yet to read
from page
to page.

No is more
than anyone else,
in this life.
Not even those
with a Godlike Complex!

Each book cover
is completely
For each one
of us,
is filled
with a story
yet to be told
and a life,
still yet
to be lived
to it’s
greatest potential.


© Josephine Daniels.