

He came before me at my darkest time,
As he always does,
Looked at me with his deceitful eyes,
And tells me I’m unloved.

Looks at me right in the eyes,
He knows I’m one to fool,
Rants to me a bunch of lies,
Me, he wants to rule.

He sees me depressed,
Lying on the bed,
With tears filling my eyes,
He knows I’ll believe every word he said,
And will continue to ask why and why.

But then another came,
And He wrapped me in His arms,
He told me I was no longer a slave,
And that He loves me with all His heart,

He took away my pain,
Wiped away all my sorrow,
And will always do it again,
Long after tomorrow.

Now, He’s the one who always comes,
My Jesus, my Lord,
And to Him I’ll always run,
To Him I’ll always adore.

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