

As I went to walk away-
that midday--you say,
"You are tangible,"
Please know I am also frangible!

Tangible-clear and definite; real
Not quiet the ideal appeal
Yet we don't conceal--a "deal" we'll reveal,
Yet I feel you heal as I squeal!

Tangible-perceptible by touch
I've known nonesuch touch-
This, as such, could become a crutch...
I want so much, to take it, just clutch--
Oops I've said too much!

Frangible-capable of being broken
You've woken the unspoken--
Dying to be outspoken and unbroken,
Sadly this, for you, my only token--

Thank you for letting me know
this overflow--like whoa!
It is I who owe, even so, the pleasure you show below..
Leaves an after glow!
So a little quid pro quo...
I'll bestow...hmm...a blow?!
Release felt from head to toe--
Lol I don't know!!
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