

Oh My Wind

In quiet whispers,
wind and I unite,
In everlasting light,
Through sorrow
and joy,
he's always there.
A constant presence,
beyond compare.
With a soft,
playful touch,
it brings me cheer,
Guides me through trials,
and my restless fears.
This bond with the wind,
to me's too dear.

In solitude,
I find solace in his soft touch,
A companion unseen,
it means so much.
Whispering secrets,
carrying my sorrows,
Yet he never judges,
no matter tomorrows.
When skies are gray,
and clouds prevail,
The wind arrives,
my hopeful sail.

It dances with leaves,
crafting symphonies,
A melodious ode
to life's bittersweet harmony.
Through open fields,
city streets,
The wind's embrace,
a presence that repeats.
He whispers tales
of lands afar,
Whisking me away,
beneath its star.

In times of despair,
he offers his hand,
Carrying my burdens,
the way only he can,
Whispering courage,
my loyal guide,

Oh, my wind,
my steadfast confidant,
Though unseen,
your presence enchants,
You're my ally,
my ever-present cheer,
In your gentle arms,
I have no fear.