

You're not soft, feeble or weak
You're the force of everything positive and good
You're the law of attraction and magnet
You draw people, things,animals and plants together

As the law of physics governs
Electricity, gravity and aviation you govern all
You are every good feeling and thought
You are the secret of life
You're pure in thought ,words and deed

Without you the earth would be a tomb
You're spelt with four letters
Pronounced with one syllable
Yet,you can create a nation
You're the greatest commandment

You're the only mathematician that makes two one
Oh!you're never tired
Talk more of being retired
You speak unity not diversity

You're the supreme ruling power of life
You're the only word that settles
Our weight and pains in life
You're the fulfilling of the law
You're the truth that sets us free

You're love,you're truly love
The greatest power in the universe
That cannot be measured because
The measure of love
Is love without measure

O man,do you know how precious are thee
For the one who created you
He himself resides in you
Inside your heart therein lies his treasure LOVE
Realise it,open it,it's the Most High's gift his LOVE!

© Iyetiri Blessing