

A half-hearted happiness
I see the reflection of my happiness,
In your eyes,
Picture perfect,
Like a bouquet of posies,
Like a sky full of sunshine.

I see the reflection of my darkness,
In those same eyes,
Where my fears and demons hide,
Like a man with a wicked soul,
Like a dark stormy sky in a summer day,

I see the reflection of my sorrow,
In your weary eyes,
A sight of pointlessness and confusion,
Like a crooked road with no destination on sight,
Like a boat with no oar in the middle of the sea.

I see the reflection of a lonely man,
A complete image in your teary eyes,
You showed him love decieve with lies,
Like a blooming flower, plucked and trampled,
Forsaken to be broken.

© unspokenwidow