

Wrapped Up In Disguise
Year's ago, I fell in love
Today...I wonder why
I never thought my giddiness
Back then, would ever die
Well, it did not quite expire
But rather, took a turn
And finally came to rest
The doctor says it's called, heartburn
Together, we have been for year's
'Cause it just seemed easier
For I feared I might hook up
With someone even cheesier
We tolerate each other, and
Sometimes we have some fun
But don't mistake complacency
He's not my only one
My perfect man has always been
My present man's extreme
He visits me each night
By manifesting in my dreams
If not for him, I probably
Would not have lasted long
But he has made it possible
For us all to get along
Year's ago, I asked for love
But found a compromise
Sometimes happiness and love
Come wrapped up in disguise
I'll never leave my Frankie
Never thought I'd love him true
But he says he's a happy man
He's glad he said, "I Do!"

Sharon Cunningham
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