

Autumn's Arrival
Falls is coming in all its brilliance
With vibrant colors to cloak the ground
Leaves of red, gold and yellow
Will soon be cascading all around.

Song birds take flight into the gray sky
All of them knowing their special places
They've a long journey ahead of them
Before they make it to a warmer oasis

Sunsets will be luminosly glowing
Trees lit up like wild fires
Creatures mighty and small in stature
Will be putting on their winter attire.

Bright red berries for winter harvest
Once covered bushes, now bare
There is a distinct smell of earthy decay
The scent of Autumn is in the air.

Flowers have stored away their roots
And will wait for spring to emerge
Allowing the frost to take them over
As their petals it will slowly purge.

Squirrels will still do their chattering
As they gather supplies for their nests
Getting ready to say fairwell for a while
As they go for a greatly earned rest.

The fish will keep on swimming
The frogs and toads will soon too sleep
It will be months before we hear again
The sweet little peepers peep.

Time for sweaters and scarves
Hot cider with mulling spice
Corn boils and campfires
It all makes fall so nice.

Fall's the time for the world to ease its pace
To be thankful for all we've been given
In this life that's passing us so quickly by
Where we are so constantly driven.

© C. Haggerty