

Spiralling Is An Understatement
Misery is a harse mistress.
Who can make you do the worst.
Make you do the wrong things.
And make you constantly hurt.
Spiralling always spiralling.
Never in control.
They tell you not to do drugs.
But they make me feel whole.
I can't find the answers,
To the questions never told.
I can't find the answers,
Unless I have a soul.
Drugs don't solve the problems,
I know that to be true.
But they take out all the pain inside,
And numb my feelings too.
The constant fight within my mind,
Between what is wrong and right.
Is blinded by the drugs,
And taken out of sight.
Help me please I need to be free.
Free from this dreadful life.
Save me before it is all to late.
To late to redeem the light.

© P.A.Nelson