

"All In A Day"
The sun rises and sets everyday,
An unbroken cycle of hope,
An awakening of expectations...
*presenting a number of ways to cope
It's far fetched and or phantomed
That things won't ever get better
People treat you with respect or
Treat you like you the Scarlet Letter
You have to move on from that
Live your life as you have always dreamed
Live your life as if there's no tomorrow
Live your life to the extreme
Take care of family like you need to
But don't forget yourself as well
Move on from the hell you've been through
Just remember not to dwell
Dwelling can get you caught up
And manifest negative things into existence
Dwelling can always keep you down
Never letting you make any positive distance.
You want to keep distance from all the negativity
Creating an unbroken cycle of hope
The sun rises and sets everyday
Presenting a number of ways for you to cope.

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