

Gender Equality
All of us yearn for gender equality,
Without any restrictions and complications,
Where we all can freely express ourselves,
Without the fear of the judgmental eyes.

But girls are still afraid to walk alone in night,
And boys are supposed to be strong as blunt knife,
Girls are scare to speak out their thoughts,
Boys are not allowed to cry or show any weakness.

Queer and Trans are ridiculed by the society,
They are referred to as mistakes of deity,
Denied of their human rights and dreams,
They are struggling with their own identities.

Women are given wings to fly high in the sky,
To be cut off from them and their dreams dies,
She's force to make sacrifices in the name of family,
Man is the master of the house whose words hold authority.

Now it's time to change these old customs and norms,
Let's fight for our rights, and built the new reforms,
Make a new world where we all stand on equal ground,
Live our lives to the fullest without any bounds.
© Aditi Yadav

Note:- I had written it before but decided to put it on the project 😅😅