

Conflicted Feelings
My favorite teacher, how I adore,
Yet at times, I'm left so sore,
From the words that she imparts,
That twist and tangle up my heart.

I'm angry, frustrated, and confused,
At times, I feel like I've been abused,
Her words are like a tangled vine,
That leaves me lost and far behind.

But then she speaks, and all is clear,
Her wisdom like a shining spear,
Pierces through my troubled mind,
And leaves me feeling redefined.

Oh, how I wish I could understand,
Her lessons, like a golden strand,
That weaves its way into my soul,
And leaves me feeling whole.

But even in my darkest hour,
When I struggle to grasp her power,
I cannot help but feel the love,
For the teacher sent from above.

For she is more than just a guide,
A beacon in a world so wide,
She's someone who sees beyond,
And helps us reach the great beyond.

So here's to you, my teacher dear,
Who fills my heart with love and fear,
May I always seek to understand,
The wisdom that you hold in hand.

© SP