

my inner voice speaking

And now my days bleed
Into nightfalls I guess
I turn and look around
And try to make you real
But you're not here
I need a shoulder bebii
To lean and rub my tears on
For i can't see
Am blinded by my past

It hurts me thinking of how I let you go
Wondering in the street like a lost sheep
I took our love so cheap
Not knowing what I was doing
I swear I love you

When you make a step at a time
Going your way in sombre
Not promising to turn back
Am broken into pieces remember

Am stack bebii
Yes I wasted us
But I need that past
I don't know if time can wait
My heart is judging my soul
I don't what to do
As I stare at your back
Watching you trekking away
I guess it's my down fall.

© Jael's bleeding pen 🖋️