

Spiritual Awakening ✨️

In the silence of the night where the soul lays bare a whisper calls soft as a prayer...

The path is steep with thorns that bite each step forward a battle to fight...

The old self crumbles piece by piece in the ashes where a new life seeks release...

Pain is the teacher harsh but true it carves deep wounds yet the light shines through...

Every scar a story told
of battles fought with courage bold....

Healing comes like the morning dew slow and gentle fresh and new...

The journey of healing though steep with pain
leads to a place where peace will reign...

For every wound there's a balm in every storm a quiet calm...

A spiritual awakening fierce and bright just know you will be alright...

From the depths of pain I rise above a soul reborn anchored in love...

In the end you will find a way through the night that turns into day...

A spiritual awakening a sacred quest where the soul finds truth and the heart finds rest ✨️

© Kassandra🔮