

You, Father
As I was out of mother’s womb,
Happiness filled out the entire room.
You cheerfully held me on your arms,
And snuggled me as I shine out my charm.

You guided me as I walk my first step,
And carried me inside the mall as we stroll.
I wait for you every night at the doorstep,
With mom telling me the floor is dirty, do not crawl.

Every time you’ll leave the house for work,
I remember you’d give me hug but I’d cry and shirk.
I would see mom comforting you, saying it’s okay,
As our baby grows, she’ll get used to it someday.

I’ve grew up and now attends pre-school.
Every day you’d always drive me to school.
Time inside the school flies so quick,
We’re dismissed and you’d come pick me up in just a flick.

When I get sick or mom get weak,
In sickness and in health, you’d never depart.
You’d take care of us for months, years or even a week,
For in richness or in poorness, you’d never set our family apart.

You are someone who’d sacrifice your comfort of yours.
And someone who’d always be there in time of our need.
You are someone who’d let your family’s dreams soar,
And someone who’d save us for life even if it causes you to bleed.

With all this secureness and true love,
This makes me wonder,
How come everyone talks about mother’s love,
But no one talks about the sacrifice of a father?

I tell you; every girl may not be a queen to her husband,
But she’ll always be a princess to her father.
Every boy may not be a king to his wife,
But he’ll always be a prince to his father.