

Build Bridges
In storms of words, the winds may rage,
Know calmness comes as we disengage.
Lower the volume, let the echoes still,
Breathe in and out, bend to goodwill.

Meet the fire with the softest touch,
The gentle tones that don't ask much.
In the tempest, find the quiet eye,
Where anger falters, fears subside.

First see the other, a mirror of you,
Dreams may differ, heartbeats are true.
Seek understanding, lay down the sword,
Open a hand, speak not a harsh word.

Listen longer than you would talk,
Learn to give silence a chance to walk.
In the space between each thought,
Seeds of peace are gently caught.

Find common points, the places shared,
Where kindness lingers, courage dared.
The war of words needs not be fought,
Peace is found in every calm thought.

When the tension rises, take a breath,
Remember love, forgo the death.
Build a bridge where bridges burn,
To the warmth of hearts, we always turn.

Eyes to eyes, we see the soul,
Hearts to hearts, we make them whole.
In the end, what matters most,
Is a friend, not a silent ghost.

Raise a voice, but raise it kind,
Speak with heart and speak with mind.
When we listen, we understand,
Peace is found in every open hand.

© Be Kisambi