

The Unappreciated Artist
This is another tale about Steve
My near blind visually impaired friend
The poor guy was born with a thick unibrow

One day on the school bus he had a hoodie on
Hood pulled low onto his face
I asked him what’s up with the hood
He pulled it off revealing his face
His eyebrow nearly shaved off
He said “I tried to trim it but I accidentally took one right off, so I tried to match the other side.”
It definitely looked strange
The devil on my shoulder had an idea
“I have a sharpie, I can draw eyebrows onto you.”
I said
To my delight he agreed
I was to draw them on in the restroom at school

We arrived and went right to the restroom
I began my masterpiece, it was perfect I told him
We emerged and went to our separate classes
Turns out he didn’t enjoy my work as much as I
I had adorned him with anime villain eyebrows going high onto his forehead

© JackDedalus