

Thinking About Thinking
We think, therefore we are,
A truth that shines, a guiding star.
Yet thoughts can twist, and loop, and spin,
When overthinking finds its way in.

We ponder deep, we analyse,
Until the simple multiplies.
Thoughts on thoughts, a tangled web,
Our minds in overdrive, they ebb.

Thinking about thinking, it becomes,
A ceaseless hum, a beating drum.
Each question births another new,
An endless maze we're wandering through.

What ifs, and hows, and whys abound,
In overthinking, we are bound.
A simple choice, a fleeting fear,
Expands until it's all we hear.

But in this storm of mental fight,
We must find calm, reclaim the light.
To breathe, to pause, to let thoughts be,
To find the space where minds are free.

For thinking, though it makes us whole,
Can sometimes overtax the soul.
We think, therefore we are, it's true,
But peace is found in balance, too!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo