

The sinking ground
The whole ground is a sinking ground
becareful of where you stand
becareful of what you do
your action speak on the ground
tomorrow, you may sink under the ground.

Some want a solid ground
but they are are opportuned
don't laugh at them in any way
the ground is looking at you
tomorrow, you may sink under the ground.

Many want the Sturdy ground
but you are there, oppressing them
they will laugh, when you sink
your action speak to the ground
tomorrow, you may sink under the ground

Not all you loved, loves you
most wants you under the ground
they won't help when you sink
what you do today, shake the ground
tomorrow, you may sink under the ground

You have power, you oppressed others
you will loose power one day
oppressed will laugh, when you loose power
your power have spoken to the ground
tomorrow you may sink under the ground

You have everything in excess
you shut down to the needy
everything will vanished one-day
when it vanished, you called the ground
tomorrow you may sink under the ground

if sturdy ground opportunity comes
don't shake it with your action
your action speakes to the ground
the Sturdy ground you are standing
you may sink under it tomorrow.
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