


When the sky is grey, it's
going to rain, When the
sky is bright, everything's
going to be alright, or so
we thought until we check
-ed again

When the sky goes black
from the breath of our
collective demon , then the
common man lay in misery,
wallowing in regrets for
the good of heart.

When the sky is red from
the blood of the land and
that of the ones who foug-
ht for the soil. When the
loyalist's present backing is
a fraud.

When the land is crying
with the bones of its young,
and the roads are filled with
screams of it's ruin, when the
ground is patched for a taste
of peace and good.

Then it gets to the time, and
they pronounce our kind wo-
rthless, they wipe us all out
with no other thoughts, tho-
ugh they once proclaimed
ours the land of the wise.

But then, we all have compli-
cated feelings for the vampire,
while It quietly turns us all in to hybrid wolves and then watch
as we mate publicly with one another, baring angry claws
and chiseled fangs.

© Ibadiaran Omo Akinde

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