

Writco Poem Prompt 40

Light the lamps
for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy...
His first head stood for lies, Reason for everybody to die,
Second head stood for anger, Which is found in every avenger... Third head stood for betrayal, Which says you are being disloyal,
Fourth head stood for greed, Which comes from evil needs... Fifth head stood for arrogance,
Which is a sign of one's ignorance, Sixth head stood for envy, Which is nearly too heavy...
Seventh head stood for gluttony, Which takes birth vert ,
Eighth head stood for sloth, Which slowly takes more growth... Ninth head stood for wrath, Which makes you dumb ass,
Tenth head stood for lust,
Which is always ready to burst... King killed an immortal enemy, And engraved his name in history, But did that enemy died,
As now he spread worldwide...
In me and you,
To make us brew...