

Mother told me that
That thing between a woman’s thighs
is dangerous and should be feared
And avoided like a plaque
until a man I became

Her words rekindled anxiety
As I craved to discover the horrors
That coerced men to scramble and fall In between ladies thighs
while swinging on the branch of boyhood

That night, I heard our neighbor screaming
Only to discover her husband was on top of her
Performing his duties like a wounded soldier
So I was later told

His eyes shone like a man possessed by his ancestors
And her hair, scattered with fury and sweetness
Swayed carelessly on the scattered sheets

She smacked her lips all the time
With eyes closed and vibrated like wet clits
Sucked by a fury albino

I went behind the house
With my tensioned phallus and met Belinda
my childhood crush who too was wet with desire
As the music from my neighbor aroused her

Under the umbrella of the blossomed moon
I discovered that that thing between
My neighbor’s daughter’s legs
was a hymn of psalms
Her body, the gospel of pleasure and her moans echoed the inhabitants of heaven

I was in a rollercoaster
of refined sweetness
That coerced me to urinate
but it wasn’t urine
Slimy cream white substance ,
very thick like the pap swallowed by Buea girls

I was never the same again
After I slipped out of that moist, magical cavern
Very cozy, slippery and sweet
with elastic muscular walls
that attracted me with a full force anytime my mind rests on that though and action in the bush

Did mother really lied to me???