

"Just A Dope Fiend."
"She's just a dope fiend."
'No, she's more than that!
She's someone's wife, daughter, mother. & they're praying to get her back.
"She's just a dope fiend!"
'Thats so far from the truth!
She had visions & goals,
She could've easily been you!
"She's just a dope fiend."
'You're judging because drugs took her away from her kids;
I promise you she didn't ask for life to turn out like this.'
"She's just a dope fiend."
'Why, cause you see marks on her arms?
Depressions has her captive,
Suicidal thoughts hit her hard.'
"She's just a dope fiend."
'So she doesn't deserve help?
She deserves to die slow?
Shes stuck in pure hell!
Addiction could've easily chose you.
I'll be the voice for the addict who can no longer see themselves through.
I know this story, all too well.
Because that "dope fiend" was me.
& We have a story to tell.
Statistics will not win!
We will take a stand against the fall.
& no matter what the people say,
we will prevail through it all.
Addiction don't discriminate,
It'll sneak in with it's lies.
Even trying it just one time,
Itll control your life.
Please I beg of you, sweet one
Please don't even try.
Drugs can promise to do one thing.
They will ruin your life.'

If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction or mental health call the crisis HOPEline @
(had to insert dots only because phone numbers are not allowed when publishing. If you need to reach out, don't put the "." when typing the number)

Signed With Love,

© © 2023 Kayley Tarver