

A piece of cake 🍰-learning
In the early hours of morning,
An introvert love to read and write
And click clack along the typewriter with every delight,
Each time with a spirit so high and indignant determination to learn & learn and to study harder so that one can use the learnt concepts in real life..... Something which the folios and infographics of grading cannot determine;
Sometimes there is too much to study but with a sigh an introvert carries on and soon gets rolled up in the hours of study....
Without counting the hours an introvert relishes the knowledge with great delight!...

kalika singh


We often lay much emphasis on Education and that's indeed excellent, but our ways to educate ourselves are diverse,i.e, we sprout for concepts clarity and are inspired to deliver better performance than the last one, here due importance is given to learning and to practise & clear our concepts
But sometimes 'incidental mess' is created by us ...and this is due to the constant comparison we make with others and want to either compete or score much better than them although, if one wants to compete then it should be with' our own self ',which in turn can also keep us stress free and help us in enjoying learning without any limitations.
As we all known reading, writing, learning concepts and appertaining them in real life should be our soul aim, which would help us in sharpening our skills but we forget the last stuff i.e,
corroborating - appertaining some concepts to real life which we hardly do

In other case, we are not satisfied and happy even if we perform well ... Ever introspected why this happens?
Our mind is busy in correlating that marks are related to intelligence and vice versa:---
" A Greatest Misnomer "
Learning should be given due importance than marks one's connoisseur-ness cannot be highlighted on the basis of marks, instead
primacy should be given to
concept clarity - sharpening skills, observation and proper implementation of concepts... can help in better learning and development, as it serves as the best rational approach.
One example can be cited here -
Ever pondered about how the vitamins are induced in creams and other stuff we use....
Well, yes if we rack our brains we will get to know that certain minute capsules ( not visible to naked eyes)are garnished over the top layer of cream and when we dip our hand or spatula these minute capsules already dispersed over larger surface area break into small tiny pieces and time liquid spills out and emulsify with cream.

"Learning is the path to success and virtues but surely marks can lead to divergence, success is not about marks but marks can sometimes make a person - 'mug up things'... It's about how well a person can live life with pragmatism,happiness and curosity ..... If one is skillful, pragmatic and curious the true path of success awaits that person ! Learn for Knowledge.!...

© kalika singh