

Historical Echoes

In the quiet whispers of the ancient halls,
Where shadows dance on weathered walls,
Lies the echo of times long past,
A symphony of voices, a shadow cast.

From the pyramids that touch the sky,
To the coliseums where gladiators die,
Each stone, each brick, a tale to tell,
Of empires risen and those that fell.

The parchments crumbled, the ink now faint,
Depict the valor of saints and quaint,
Stories of love, of war, of peace,
Echo through time, never to cease.

A king's decree, a philosopher's thought,
Battles fought and victories wrought,
In the silent echoes of yesteryears,
Lie the hopes, the dreams, the fears.

The whispers of wisdom from ancient scrolls,
Guide the present, shape our roles,
For in the echoes of history’s song,
We find where we truly belong.

So listen closely, with heart and mind,
To the echoes of a world entwined,
For in the past's soft, eternal glow,
Lies the map to where we go.
