

Incredible INDIA

India is our nation ;
where people stand in ration;
Culture is our only possession;
Multiple traditionality is our fashion;
We have infinite languages for communication;
According to our citizens all Indians are our relation;
In north ,we have Himalayas for protection;
In south, we have the great Indian ocean-
Where our fishermen are killed by other nation;
We have centers for nuclear fission and fusion;
Our students have Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam - father of vision;
Make in India is our super mission;
For many India is the land of Imagination-which is loaded with innovation,invention and creation;
In spite of the religious , lingual and many variation-UNITY IN DIVERSITY is our resolution;
Abolision of poverty is our Ambition;
Whenever there is a depletion-Emotion is our action and self motivation is our reaction;
which make s face any kind of situation ;
With a strong determination ;
And win every competition;
One day we will create a revolution;
And will make a new evolution;
If there is any confusion;
Follow our incredible india that is the only solution;
This is my conclusion.