

Baffled at 4AM
Binge smoking's the loudest.
It takes an immense amount of practice to be this good.
This reign is endless like a typhoon.
The way I balance the pressure, it's undisputed.

Able to vibrate:
First try to stop me:
You can't fault me.

At this level, it's only right to be cocky.
The highest storey, you see?

That's why I am telling stories,
Only through poetry.

Someday, I'd like to grow a tree,
With branches that resemble my personality.

Rooted in the ground so deep,
There's no surface to me.

Especially when the flow is relentless,
Like persistent waves crashing on rocks.

It's easy to be misunderstood,
It's easy to be misconstrued.

Don't confuse my vows with my vowels:
Ayy, haven't heard enough of you.

So how do you act so proud?
Your words are so loud, but the grammar
Is stammering. I advise you to shush your mouth.

I don't see longevity.
Able to manipulate your mood:
All is good, I come in peace.
But she wants me to come violently too.

Baffled by the fact you're so dorky
Baffled by the fact you claim to be a hopeless romantic
But you're too hopeless to be romantic
Baffled by the sight of you
Baffled that I created a site for you
Baffled by the fact that I didn't start a war with you

You started the love-bombing and annoying memes,
Just like a classical rendition
The acting, dancing, and the singing too

Baffled by the fact that nothing made sense to you
I would craft sentences with every effort, but the essence couldn't capture you

Baffled that I didn't go to Europe
Baffled that I haven't met the Pope
Baffled at the fact I spoke to soon

I'm glad you came.
I doubt that you could ever be able to make me come,
Even if I left out the door.

Two wrongs don't make me write anymore.
She said, I don't write the same anymore.
Well, there's a flaw in every ceiling you're seeing.

Transgenic, your thoughts were unhygienic.
Your face was so photogenic.
I would run a race just to finish on your face, again
And be baffled.
© .🌹.