

Invisible Threads
Beneath the gaze of distant skies,
Where silence whispers, time defies,
There lie the ties we do not see,
Invisible threads, binding you and me.

Through space they weave, both soft and strong,
Connecting hearts where they belong,
No hand can touch, no eye can trace,
Yet feel their pull in every place.

They span the oceans, cross the land,
A silent force, a guiding hand,
In joy, in sorrow, still they bind,
The unseen bonds of soul and mind.

In fleeting moments, love is sewn,
A whispered word, a glance unknown,
And though apart, we’re never free
These threads entwine our destiny.

For every step, for every breath,
Invisible threads outlast death,
In realms unseen, they hold their grace,
The silent lines that time can’t erase.

© rajib1603