

The Journey
Might have took years of search,
Perhaps on millionth of hour,
To find the rare latch for yatch,
To flit from that immersed lour.

It flowed, its flowing and will flow.
While the constant remaimed aglow.
Unbearable were those dusty blow.
Still chosen, not to bow.

Moved Ahead, kept goin,
by killing the dead, averting from astray,
Faraway from those darkest nights,
Lookin back, sighted stars bright,
Which was witnessed only by the moon light.
The paired deligents were replaced,
From hand and eyes, to heart and brain.

For sure, efforts shall be paid.
If not being a selve's maid.
Feel no guiltt to untie the tied.
After all, heading ahead is to guide.
Guide, who owned the hand, that drew the map.

#D_Pearl #peace