

An open road, a journey begun,
A winding path, a tale to run.
A quest to start, a quest to win,
A journey of twists and turns within.
A road to follow, a maze to find,
A secret trail, a mystery to unwind.
A tale of adventure, a tale of fun,
A tale of wonder, just begun.

A quest for truth, a riddle to solve,
A mystery's shroud, to rise above.
A question raised, an answer sought,
A light of knowledge, to be sought.
A trail to follow, a search to start,
A revelation, a hidden part.
A hidden light, a glimmering hope,
A secret question, a quest to cope. 🕵️‍♂️

A door to enter, a key to find,
A hidden world, a place to unwind.
A secret place, a hidden realm,
A sense refined, a mystery to delve.
A window opened, a vision clear,
A path revealed, a world to fear.
An adventure sought, a risk to take,
A mystery unfolds, a story to make. 🌀

A knowledge vast, a journey's end,
A tale complete, a splendid blend.
A quest fulfilled, a purpose found,
A story told, a truth profound.
A path well-traveled, a goal attained,
A mystery resolved, a soul sustained.
A story's end, a journey's done,
A tale sublime, beneath the sun.

© Ebenezer