

My soul has longed for love for decades
But it’s has been caged brutally in bars of iron.
Out of jealousy, I desired it all;
The chest of parental love
Hidden in the island of darkness.
With the compass of doubt and depression
I sailed to the treasure island, with
The hope of finding that chest of true love.
Fighting fast through pirates of pirated love
I sailed through with utmost passion
Saying; I get that chest or die!
On verge of anchoring my ship at bay
A mighty roaring tempest of louche misfits
Tore my shop apart and sent it ashore
Alas!; This is the end – I said.

With the zeal and passion burning intensely
Within me; I got up to my feet.
Walking through the wilderness of mistrust,
I saw wild beasts of catastrophe and circumstances
Laying in ambush to kill my joy.
Fear of the future snare fellow friends away;
Now all alone with my cross to bear.
I raced through the thorns of pain and discomfort
Into the Sahara; safe for a moment.
I squatted down to calm my nerves.
There I was, sitting in the desert of loneliness;
Dehydrated and licked up by the rays of the sun.
Checking my bag – the only item of hope
I saw the gifts of my parents;
A dagger from my mother and
A pistol from my father
Whom shall I destroy with it?
Time raced fast and in a nutshell;
I learned patience, endurance, and the knowledge
Of filtering the truth out of everything I hear.
All I got from my experience
Motivated and stirred up my zeal back into place
Leading to the renovation of my passion and ship.
With the compass of good advice;
I found my way back into the treasure islands.

At last! I found the chest of true love
And sailed back home with happiness.
So filled with joy and gladness that
I merried aloud with songs of victory.
But it was too late!
The typhoon has besieged the city
And all have changed suddenly.
Mourning filled the atmosphere and
Condolences raced past from one mouth to another.
Went down on my knees and prayed – cos I knew
I Am caught between the anvil and the hammer.
With words of wisdom, I pleaded that
I live on my terms and built my paths;
Then promised me that my children will
Never sail across that sea of desperation.

© official_AJ5