I lay on the cold firm floor of my bedroom
Bruised in soul but not body
Holding my breath as if it would lock the inevitable from my immediate sight
My heart thunders painfully against my chest through to my ears
As if pleading the mercies of hell's fury
Then it's funny
The way my blue chair is floating above my head
How my bed suspends above my head
As if it was made to lay on me and not the other way round
How things I didn't even know I owned
Fly as if by magic in the air
Except you would have to look close enough
To see those are centuries worth of tears
Soaking the carpet and propelling my personality all around me
Before I feel myself explode to disintegration
I see a light shine above the moisture
It is sturdy,bright, beckoning
Promising me better things than the cynical peace of giving in ever could
With all the fibres in my body I reach for the light. And with the liberating gasp of air
I signed my name to boundlessness
And that's when I knew that the key
To saving me was coming up for air
© All Rights Reserved
I lay on the cold firm floor of my bedroom
Bruised in soul but not body
Holding my breath as if it would lock the inevitable from my immediate sight
My heart thunders painfully against my chest through to my ears
As if pleading the mercies of hell's fury
Then it's funny
The way my blue chair is floating above my head
How my bed suspends above my head
As if it was made to lay on me and not the other way round
How things I didn't even know I owned
Fly as if by magic in the air
Except you would have to look close enough
To see those are centuries worth of tears
Soaking the carpet and propelling my personality all around me
Before I feel myself explode to disintegration
I see a light shine above the moisture
It is sturdy,bright, beckoning
Promising me better things than the cynical peace of giving in ever could
With all the fibres in my body I reach for the light. And with the liberating gasp of air
I signed my name to boundlessness
And that's when I knew that the key
To saving me was coming up for air
© All Rights Reserved