I lay on the cold firm floor of my bedroom
Bruised in soul but not body
Holding my breath as if it would lock the inevitable from my immediate sight
My heart thunders painfully against my chest through to my ears
As if pleading the mercies of hell's fury
Then it's funny
The way my blue chair is floating above my head
How my bed suspends above my head
As if it was made to lay on me and not the other...
I lay on the cold firm floor of my bedroom
Bruised in soul but not body
Holding my breath as if it would lock the inevitable from my immediate sight
My heart thunders painfully against my chest through to my ears
As if pleading the mercies of hell's fury
Then it's funny
The way my blue chair is floating above my head
How my bed suspends above my head
As if it was made to lay on me and not the other...