

Bright light , warm days
The perfect blend
For nimbus clouds to accumulate .
White shines, looks fine,
black flocks with large blocks

Not a drizzle, but a heavy breeze
shakes trees, in their territory
water pours , clouds roars
Innocent raindrops, no!
It's Torrential rainfall .
Constant lightning, increasing heartbeat.
Oh! Bolya-Raja (Deity) please save us.
From the cloudburst, a geniune whisper.

A concern for life,
Many have gone through this strife.
Just showing consequence of Human dominance.
Over Nature's own flow, Distorted since years ago.
Climate change leads to all these increasing heartbeats.
Some play, Some pay.
It's new norm, a call to heavy storms.
Stay alert, Be safe.
The damage is done, It's nature's turn.

© Alphaclimber01