

Happy New Year!

A happy new year
To every writer here

May verses flow
As emotions aglow

From scattered thoughts
Each letter imbues
Words gathered or strewed
Into stories it brought

A happy new year
To every reader here

May you read joyfully
In every lyrical journey

We made with blood,
Sweat and tears, flood
Your hearts with flair
As we paint the air

Through stanzas that take flight
To your hearts, From our minds.
Wishing you prosperity and delight
May these blessings be easy to find.

A happy new year
To everyone here

In this new year,
May you progress
With triumphs and success
To your lives and careers

Live everyday like it's your last
Us of Yesterday must be surpassed

Give love to others and be kind
Live this year with a peace of mind.

Spread love, be kind, embrace the cheer,
May this year bring you peace, my dears.

© KJpoetry