

I used to be smart but now look at me,
Burning like a candle but couldn't produce any light,
Like I'm just a faint glow in the middle of darkness,
And almost running out of wick and solid wax.

How long can I stand?
All I do was bleed a melted wax,
Slowly deteriorating as the day passed by,
But couldn't figure out what's my worth.

My light has been defeated by darkness,
The melted wax that I bleed scattered,
My once long wick turned into ashes,
And the fire in me turned into smoke and vanished.

But maybe someday, someone will pick me up,
Give me a new wick and mold me into new shape,
Light me up and I'll burn to light up the darkness,
Maybe someday, I would finally see my worth.

© Midnight Rain