

Dear friend, you've been the best part of my life,
To me, you've been good, and I am grateful for you.
Never thought I deserve a friend like you, yet the Heavens gave me you.

You've walked with me through pits and valleys,
Through the hustle and bustle of life, you've been by my side,
When my life was thorny, you were there, when it became rosy, you were also here with me.

I've seen all the sacrifices you made,
the times you sneak out at night to bring me food, while i lay helpless and hopeless under the bridge,
All the times you stood up and spoke for me when no one else would,
The things you did to make me smile,
The broad bright smile on your face when I laugh.
You've been a friend indeed, I couldn't agree more.

I love you, my friend, I appreciate your friendship.
I pray the Almighty cause lines to fall in rosy places for us.
I pray our labor never be in vain,
I so pray our dreams someday becomes actuality.

May we live to sit and tell the story of how we made it,
May we sit on a big round table with family and beloveds celebrating our victory over life.
I so very much love you, my friend.
Yours lovingly...

© Susan Phiri