

This one goes out to all the people that have been hurt
In times of my catching fun, or in the line of work
Reach deep in your heart and find a place to forgive me
Even if you don't forget, I hope someday this guilt would leave me
Do you remember the good old days when things were rosy?

One misunderstanding shouldn't make our friendship less cosy
Fan the embers of reconciliation into full flame

Show me where I erred, I'm willing to take the blame
As for what the future holds, I cannot say
Yet, if you need me, on your side I'll gladly play
In life, we're bound to make mistakes and step on toes
Nevertheless, what the future holds, no one really knows
Give me another chance to mend my ways

So I can start building bridges for the rest of my days
Only the present is within our reach
Rarely does life go on without a glitch
Remember me in your prayers, I am not perfect
Yes, apologizing is easy, it's repentance that is the hard aspect
© Dr. C.E.O. Ejieji