

Transcend Human Condition
In the depths of our humanity, a quest is born,
To transcend the limitations that we have known.
Through veils of existence, we strive to rise,
Seeking the essence that within us lies.

In this realm of duality, the human condition resides,
Bounded by perceptions, where contradictions collide.
Yet our souls yearn for freedom, an eternal flame,
To break the chains that bind us and transcend the same.

With hearts ablaze, we venture into the unknown,
Embracing the shadows, where our spirits have grown.
Through struggle and pain, we learn to embrace,
The beauty of imperfection, the strength in every trace.

In each trial and triumph, we discover our might,
For it's in the darkest moments, we shine the brightest light.
Through introspection's lens, we find our true being,
Awakening the dormant grace, forever freeing.

We dance with paradox, embracing contradictions,
Unveiling truths hidden in our deepest convictions.
Through conscious effort, we hone our inner sight,
To perceive the infinite, the boundless, the pure light.

Transcending boundaries, we learn to ascend,
Unfolding our wings, like birds that must mend.
With every step we take, we're closer to the divine,
Unveiling the truest self, our purpose shall align.

So let us brave the journey, with courage in our stride,
Embracing the human condition, and what it implies.
For in every obstacle, we find a wellspring of growth,
As we transcend our limitations, embracing the oath.

In the quest to transcend, we find strength within,
A tapestry of existence, where our souls begin.
So let us dance, let us strive, let us sojourn on,
Unveiling our true nature, until eternity's dawn.
© Cosmicbeing