

The accient glory of marriage .
Here is a poem titled.

The Ancient Glory of Marriage

In days of old, when love was pure and true
Marriage was a sacrament, a bond anew
Between two souls, who vowed to stand as one
Through joy and sorrow, till life was done

With sacred rites, and vows spoken from the heart
They pledged their love, a lifelong work of art
Through trials and tribulations, they stood strong
Their bond grew deeper, their love did not go wrong

Like a sweet garden, their love did bloom and grow
With every passing year, their roots did deepen slow
Their laughter echoed, their tears did dry
Together they faced life, side by side

In ancient times, marriage was a noble thing
A union blessed by gods, a sacred ring
A symbol of commitment, a promise to abide
Through all of life's journey, side by side

With every sunset, their love did glow like gold
Their hearts entwined, their love did forever hold
Through all of life's joys, and all its strife
Their marriage stood strong, a shining light in

Please note that this poem is a work of fiction and does not reflect the views or opinions of the author. Marriage is a beautiful institution that has been revered and celebrated across cultures and centuries. It is a symbol of love, commitment, and unity.