

My love, my life, my everything
Now reduced to a needle's sting
How could you choose this path of sin
Destroying all we had within?
For six long years, we were so strong
Our love, a beautiful, endless song
But you let temptation take control
And now our story's been untold
A junkie whore, she caught your eye
And you were willing to let us die
She harassed us both, for months on end
But still, you chose her in the end
You went behind my back, lied to my face
Met with her, brought her to this place
Where our love and trust were shattered
And our happy marriage no longer mattered
You ruined all we had, all we shared
And now it seems, you never cared
You're no longer a cop, but a felon instead
A junkie without a vest, lying in your bed
Our daughter, she used to adore you
But now she sees the truth, the real you
She hates you now, for what you've done
And our once perfect family, now undone
Look at yourself, in the mirror's reflection
A junkie, without a sense of direction
You threw it all away, for a temporary high
And left us all to suffer and cry
My love, my life, my everything
Now just a needle, a painful sting
I'll never understand, why you chose this fate
But I know now, it's too late.
© cynfully