

With each moment passing slowly , I feel a knife thrusting into my chest .
Your harsh words pierced even the bulletproof vest .
With each moment passing slowly, I am getting closer to death .
Without you it has become very hard to draw even a single breath.

At the beginning , I was a total mess.
What brightened my day was seeing your face.
It lit a spark within me to live again.
It drove away darkness and made me love again.
You were the bleak ray of hope that held me when I fell.
To you without thinking twice , my secrets I would tell.
My body's burning now and there's no burnol that could heal.
Turning into ashes , the pain now I don't even feel .
I gave you the key to my locker.
I was already knee deep in the water .
Suffocating , I beat my hands here and there.
Someone put my head in , I struggled for air.
I hoped you would come to pull me out of this despair .
But those hands were yours that damaged me beyond repair.
Trusting you , I gave you enough freedom and choices always.
I was never jealous of anyone because it was you who set my heart ablaze.

Now I remember how you always smiled when I was defeated.
And then you had to break our lovely home we had created.
Was I nothing more than an experiment for you?
Was I nothing more than a cause of merriment for you?
Our journey was complete , why did you create a path new?
I thought you were tender like the morning dew .
You showed me fake dreams and made false promises.
Telling me you would show stars, you pushed me into bottomless abysses.
When you whispered into my ears , I would get lost
With your soothing voice without thinking about the cost
That I would have to pay for putting in you my faith .
I never knew it would eventually lead to my death.
I fought against the world and in you I did believe.
Leaving me numb you did leave.
At times I think you were required like the necessary evil.
Now I don't know how to trust , won't come out of my veil .