

Where Dreams Go To Die!!!!!
A lot of us are stuck inside our heads a darkest of days!
Just wishing and hoping for a little sliver of light to come through from the sun’s rays!
Most people will say to you, “nothing is wrong this is just another phase!”

Those people are just set in their own ways!
They don’t see how much your head, your mind you it always betrays!
You feel like your lost in your mind’s own tragic mental maze!

These feelings inside aren’t just everyone’s definition of cliches!
Is it all just a mental craze?
Sometimes it feels like everything is in a foggy haze!

You’re not asking for some kind of praise!
It’s your mind that unfortunately pays!
You’ll walk around like you’re in a daze!

You do everything you can just to get by!
Is what your brain tells you truth or a lie?
You want to just disappear for reasons only you know why!

You feel so alone and no one can hear your pain something you can’t deny!
You hate yourself so much any tears you had cried ran dry!
You always feel like this world is eye for an eye!

You’re called weak if you cry!
There’s nobody to help you no ally!
You don’t want to seem weak so their rules you will comply!

You’re just so ready to leave this world behind and say goodbye!
No one to help you just me, myself, and I!
In your own head nobody will ever miss you they’ll only say, “Oh he’s gone that’s sad” then just sigh!

A life you thought would be awesome everything went wrong and awry!
You realized there was no reason left to try!
This is the world in your head you’ve created where dreams go to die!
© BDawg90