

Written On The Walls
You want rebellion
I’ll give you the full force
You wanted pressure
You’ll have no choice
There’s no fork in the road
The impact devastating
The carnage escalating
Every idol you’ve built, torn down
Those who counsel you are lost
Those who follow count all as loss
So blind to see
You are the harbinger of a new world order
Hidden in plain sight as we go about our lives
You have been given over to the depravity of your mind
Everything in order to usher in the end
Some may call me fool or fiend
Attention seeking
So be it. a small price to pay
To warn you of the day of reckoning
Where you’ll be held accountable for every deed, thought and word spoken
Cast down to the flame
If you want rebellion come and see
Come and see where your leadership has led us
You drag us to your vision of utopia
While eliminating those who disagree
This is all leading to an end that you deny, ignore
And keep counting the score
You’re a pawn to those playing God
A deceiver, in your world everything is fake
You want rebellion, I’ll give you the full force
You’re par for the course
Call me a conspiracy theorist, I’ll tell of the ancient words written
But you aren’t going to listen
Reprobate, your mind
Systematic suicide for all to see
You want to kill off your people to save the planet
I’m surprised you’ve not yet demanded it
Tool of the great deceiver
The plans you compose will come at great cost
Your own life lost, ignorant of the end
You want violence against us
You unleashed snakes among us
As the heel is bruised
The head is crushed
Dust to dust
© MattDyver