

I loved you, but...

What is this unrequited love?
Maybe this is the love that comes out of the heart, but it stops when it comes to the tongue,
We can't say anything to the frontier,
Even if you do what to do, even if you can't keep it hidden inside you,
Some lose their whole life, some lose their lives,
Some also breaks their relationship with smile...

People say, one sided love is always true,
But what's the use of that love,
Where we get away from our loved ones by loving one,
Entire life passes by whether to say or not in the affair,
then hide the broken heart and pass the time...

What have you got in this unrequited love?
hate instead of love,
tears instead of smile,
That's all...
No one ever got good in this love,
The one who came, only lost
Some their time, some their lives...

The time was like this, when I too slipped my feet in this love,
Loved him without asking him,
Lost my heart on his smile,
So much left in the misunderstanding,
Taking his each and every word to my heart,
Then the heart is broken, the desire is broken,
Tears fell from my eyes,
Some got stuck in the poles,
Some soaked the pillow,
I came into the same situation,
as alone as before,

Wasted my time trying to get him,
Whatever was attached to me, I also distanced myself from them,
Maybe he will like me sometime,
by thinking this, I made his choice like mine choice,
Trying to find a place in his heart,
I forgot my own status,
Where he is the moon of the sky, where I am the piece of stone on the earth,
In the hope of holding his hands, I left my loved ones behind,
Where I wanted to live life with love,
I ruined it myself with my own hand,

I lost in love but learnt a lesson,
"love the one who loves you"
"Give time to them who appreciate you,
Nothing will be achieved in this unrequited love,
Only the life gets worse,
Smile disappears from the lips,
And this is the only story of one sided love....


© little_ talks