

Purpose of life
We all are living
But why?????
Do we know purpose of our life?????
Do we know what we have to do?????
Do we know what we want?????
Do we know what are our goals?????
Do we know what is the meaning of our life?????
No, we don't know anything😧😧😧😧
We don't know why we all are living😤😤😤😤
We don't know what we have to do👀👀👀👀
We don't know what we want👎👎👎
We don't know our goals😖😖😖
We don't know meaning of our life😈😈😈
We don't know anything😫😫😫😫
We are just living like a dead person👹👹👹👹
It's sad😥😥😥😥
But also true😌😌😌😌
You know
We are not doing the things which gives
us happiness, which we want😉😉😉😉
We are not doing the things which we enjoy❤❤❤❤
We are just follwing others🚶🚶🚶🚶
We are just behind the money💍💍💍
We are not even thinking of our peace and happiness only because of others🙅🙅🙅🙅
We are cheating ourselves🙇🙇🙇🙇
We are totally confused💭💭💭💭💭

##Think what is the purpose of our life👉👉👉👉
##Think why we are born on this earth✨✨✨✨✨
##Think everything which we never thinked of😐😐😐😐
##Just think💥💥💥💥

© ##Tamnna Dagar@$