

My reasons for staying...
This obsession with death is getting out of hand
I could think about it all day.
It's like I know how beautiful this land
Could be, but I can't convince myself to stay

Is it a morbid fixation though or just what my mind craves?
To leave this forsaken land of the depraved

But I have to stay because what trumps it, is the love
The love that I have for these select humans
The bonds that are so strongly woven
That I could never bring myself to abandon.

Even though they all leave me
In all fairness, I push them to leave
I'm not enough, judging by how they all eventually flee
It all comes down to what you perceive

But I'm so more than my blemishes
If all I do right is not what they cherish
But all they see is where I go wrong
It's all good in the end, they still have my best wishes
They'll still have me lifelong.

© JPS2719