

The Thread
Crisp mountain air
Crystal-clear water reflecting 
God’s Glory
Slipping into place
Your missing rib, finding myself
Folding into perfect position
Whole, home,
Like our hearts have always known
That the thread of fate has bound us beyond
Blood, skin, and bone

Dry moss, Amber
Warm honey, whiskey
Your lips watch with longing
Your eyes whisper of belonging
We dance with and without music 
Whether laughing or mourning

Salty sea air
Cresting waves wash away
Equanimity, sublimity
Slipping into place, the missing piece
Passion peaks while bringing peace
Sound, complete, at last, I can rest,
For my cup runneth over,
As your cup catches the overflow
“I found him whom my soul loves,
I held him and could not let him go”

© Milan Lopes