

Tale Of The Sky
Now let me tell
You the Sky's tale.
It's very bright and blue
where the angels reside and the wind blew.
No one knows from where it starts and ends
It goes to the unlimited without any bends.
It stays above us, protecting us like knights,
Then silences the chaos for us in the nights.
It watches the world. Every hour, every instant,
Making our days bouyant.

It has two children: The moon and The sun.
and stars to accompany the daughter and the son.
There is where the unknown reside, I can hear.
They are the ones to produce lightenings that affects here.
The lad, at the sky, he deeply stares.
And now that he's called by God, he walks up to it, through the clouds, along the stairs.
That's the sky, the eternal being.
Who can't meet his beloved, the ground, up he's staying.

NOTE: For the the first time in forever I noticed beyond the moon;) Poets are all about moons and stars. No one wonders about the Sun, the one who bears them, the sky. So, I penned down this poem about sky. In fact, if you noticed I used homophones. Poets use the figures of speech, that's no complaint. But I used this to enhance and attract.
Actually, I was stepping back from posting this because no actually understood the depth and inner feelings of this piece. My parents and friends said it's cheesy, but I wanted to give it a try to the real poets out there. It's a heaven. The way it's up above me, it feels like it's the only one who sees me, my wounds, my pains and my sufferings. Thus I thought about giving it a credit.

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