

Time runs like a river
Tick-tock goes the clock,
Time passes by like a flock,
Moments that we hold so dear,
Disappear without a trace or tear.

The sun rises and sets each day,
The seasons come and go their way,
As we race towards an uncertain fate,
We realize time is something we can't escape.
Childhood days seem like yesterday,
But now we're grown, time's flown away,
We look back with regret and sigh,
Wondering where the years have gone by.

Time is a thief that never stops,
Stealing moments like a crook in crops,
We try to hold on tight and cling,
But time slips away like a bird on wing.

So let's make every moment count,
Before time steals it like an amount,
Let's cherish each day that we're given,
And make memories that'll last forever, driven.
© P.S
#WritcoPoem #WritcoCommunity #WritcoPrompt #Poem